.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2020 Intel Corporation .. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 .. _onemkl_blas_scal: scal ==== Computes the product of a vector by a scalar. .. _onemkl_blas_scal_description: .. rubric:: Description The ``scal`` routines computes a scalar-vector product: .. math:: x \leftarrow alpha*x where: ``x`` is a vector of ``n`` elements, ``alpha`` is a scalar. ``scal`` supports the following precisions. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - T - T_scalar * - ``half`` - ``half`` * - ``bfloat16`` - ``bfloat16`` * - ``float`` - ``float`` * - ``double`` - ``double`` * - ``std::complex`` - ``std::complex`` * - ``std::complex`` - ``std::complex`` * - ``std::complex`` - ``float`` * - ``std::complex`` - ``double`` .. _onemkl_blas_scal_buffer: scal (Buffer Version) --------------------- .. rubric:: Syntax .. code-block:: cpp namespace oneapi::mkl::blas::column_major { void scal(sycl::queue &queue, std::int64_t n, T_scalar alpha, sycl::buffer &x, std::int64_t incx) } .. code-block:: cpp namespace oneapi::mkl::blas::row_major { void scal(sycl::queue &queue, std::int64_t n, T_scalar alpha, sycl::buffer &x, std::int64_t incx) } .. container:: section .. rubric:: Input Parameters queue The queue where the routine should be executed. n Number of elements in vector ``x``. alpha Specifies the scalar ``alpha``. x Buffer holding input vector ``x``. The buffer must be of size at least (1 + (``n`` - 1)*abs(``incx``)). See :ref:`matrix-storage` for more details. incx Stride of vector ``x``. .. container:: section .. rubric:: Output Parameters x Buffer holding updated buffer ``x``. .. container:: section .. rubric:: Throws This routine shall throw the following exceptions if the associated condition is detected. An implementation may throw additional implementation-specific exception(s) in case of error conditions not covered here. :ref:`oneapi::mkl::invalid_argument` :ref:`oneapi::mkl::unsupported_device` :ref:`oneapi::mkl::host_bad_alloc` :ref:`oneapi::mkl::device_bad_alloc` :ref:`oneapi::mkl::unimplemented` .. _onemkl_blas_scal_usm: scal (USM Version) ------------------ .. rubric:: Syntax .. code-block:: cpp namespace oneapi::mkl::blas::column_major { sycl::event scal(sycl::queue &queue, std::int64_t n, T_scalar alpha, T *x, std::int64_t incx, const std::vector &dependencies = {}) } .. code-block:: cpp namespace oneapi::mkl::blas::row_major { sycl::event scal(sycl::queue &queue, std::int64_t n, T_scalar alpha, T *x, std::int64_t incx, const std::vector &dependencies = {}) } .. container:: section .. rubric:: Input Parameters queue The queue where the routine should be executed. n Number of elements in vector ``x``. alpha Specifies the scalar ``alpha``. x Pointer to the input vector ``x``. The array must be of size at least (1 + (``n`` - 1)*abs(``incx``)). See :ref:`matrix-storage` for more details. incx Stride of vector ``x``. .. container:: section .. rubric:: Output Parameters x Pointer to the updated array ``x``. .. container:: section .. rubric:: Return Values Output event to wait on to ensure computation is complete. .. container:: section .. rubric:: Throws This routine shall throw the following exceptions if the associated condition is detected. An implementation may throw additional implementation-specific exception(s) in case of error conditions not covered here. :ref:`oneapi::mkl::invalid_argument` :ref:`oneapi::mkl::unsupported_device` :ref:`oneapi::mkl::host_bad_alloc` :ref:`oneapi::mkl::device_bad_alloc` :ref:`oneapi::mkl::unimplemented` **Parent topic:** :ref:`blas-level-1-routines`