.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2020 Intel Corporation .. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 .. default-domain:: cpp .. include:: ../../replacements.inc.rst .. _post_ops-label: ######## Post-ops ######## *Post-ops* are operations that are appended after a primitive. They are implemented using the :ref:`attributes-link` mechanism. If there are multiple post-ops, they are executed in the order they have been appended as follow: .. math:: \dst = po[n](po[n-1] (...(po[0](OP())))) .. note:: Post-ops does not preserve intermediate data during computation. This typically makes them suitable for inference only. The post-ops are represented by |post_ops| which is copied once it is attached to the attributes using |primitive_attr::set_post_ops| function. The attributes then need to be passed to a primitive descriptor creation function to take effect. Below is a simple sketch: .. code:: cpp dnnl::post_ops po; // default empty post-ops assert(po.len() == 0); // no post-ops attached po.append_SOMETHING(params); // append some particular post-op po.append_SOMETHING_ELSE(other_params); // append one more post-op // (!) Note that the order in which post-ops are appended matters! assert(po.len() == 2); dnnl::primitive_attr attr; // default attributes attr.set_post_ops(po); // attach the post-ops to the attr // any changes to po after this point don't affect the value stored in attr primitive::primitive_desc op_pd(params, attr); // create a pd with the attr .. note:: Different primitives may have different post-ops support. Moreover, the support might also depend on the actual implementation of a primitive. So robust code should be able to handle errors accordingly. See the :ref:`attributes_error_handling-link`. .. note:: Post-ops do not change memory format of the operation destination memory object. The post-op objects can be inspected using the |post_ops::kind| function that takes an index of the post-op to inspect (that must be less than the value returned by |post_ops::len|), and returns its kind. ****************** Supported Post-ops ****************** .. _post_ops_eltwise-label: Eltwise Post-op =============== The eltwise post-op is appended using |post_ops::append_eltwise| function. The |post_ops::kind| returns |primitive::kind::eltwise| for such a post-op. The eltwise post-op replaces: .. math:: \dst[:] = \operatorname{Op}(...) with .. math:: \dst[:] = scale \cdot \operatorname{eltwise}(\operatorname{Op}(...)) The intermediate result of the :math:`\operatorname{Op}(...)` is not preserved. The :math:`scale` factor is supported in :ref:`int8 ` inference only. For all other cases the scale must be `1.0` (default value). The scale parameter is set to :math:`1.0` by default, and can be set using the |primitive_attr::set_scales_mask| attribute for the argument |DNNL_ARG_ATTR_MULTIPLE_POST_OP(po_index)|. .. _post_ops_sum-label: Sum Post-op =========== The sum post-op accumulates the result of a primitive with the existing data and is appended using |post_ops::append_sum| function. The |post_ops::kind| returns |primitive::kind::sum| for such a post-op. Prior to accumulating the result, the existing value is multiplied by scale. The :math:`scale` factor is supported in :ref:`int8 ` inference only and should be used only when the result and the existing data have different magnitudes. For all other cases the scale must be `1.0` (default value). The scale parameter is set to :math:`1.0` by default, and can be set using the |primitive_attr::set_scales_mask| attribute for the argument |DNNL_ARG_ATTR_MULTIPLE_POST_OP(po_index)|. Additionally, the sum post-op can reinterpret the destination values as a different data type of the same size. This may be used to, for example, reinterpret 8-bit signed data as unsigned or vice versa (which requires that values fall within a common range to work). The sum post-op replaces .. math:: \dst[:] = \operatorname{Op}(...) with .. math:: \dst[:] = scale \cdot as_data_type(\dst[:]) + \operatorname{Op}(...) .. _post_ops_binary-label: Binary post-ops ============================ The binary post-op replaces: .. math:: \dst[:] = \operatorname{Op}(...) with .. math:: \dst[:] = \operatorname{binary}(\operatorname{Op}(...), scale[:] \cdot Source\_1[:]) The binary post-op supports the same algorithms and broadcast semantic as the :ref:`binary primitive`. Furthermore, the binary post-op scale parameter is set to :math:`1.0` by default, and can be set using the |primitive_attr::set_scales_mask| attribute for the argument |DNNL_ARG_ATTR_MULTIPLE_POST_OP(po_index)| | |DNNL_ARG_SRC_1|. For example: .. code:: cpp primitive_attr attr; post_ops p_ops; p_ops.append_binary(algorithm::binary_add, summand_md); attr.set_post_ops(p_ops); attr.set_scales_mask(DNNL_ARG_ATTR_MULTIPLE_POST_OP(0) | DNNL_ARG_SRC_1, /* mask */ 0); Examples of Chained Post-ops ============================ Post-ops can be chained together by appending one after another. Note that the order matters: the post-ops are executed in the order they have been appended. .. _post_ops_sum_relu-label: Sum -> ReLU ----------- This pattern is pretty common for the CNN topologies of the ResNet family. .. code:: cpp dnnl::post_ops po; po.append_sum(); po.append_eltwise( /* algorithm = */ dnnl::algorithm::eltwise_relu, /* neg slope = */ 0.f, /* unused for ReLU */ 0.f); dnnl::primitive_attr attr; attr.set_post_ops(po); convolution_forward::primitive_desc(conv_d, attr, engine); This will lead to the following computations: .. math:: \dst[:] = \operatorname{ReLU}(\dst[:] + \operatorname{conv}(\src[:], \weights[:]) *** API *** .. doxygenstruct:: dnnl::post_ops :project: oneDNN :members: .. vim: ts=3 sw=3 et spell spelllang=en