

The oneDPL iterators are defined in the <oneapi/dpl/iterator> header, in namespace oneapi::dpl.

Let us define a named requirement, AdaptingIteratorSource, to describe valid random access iterator-like types that can be used as source for oneDPL iterators as described below. The type Iter satisfies the AdaptingIteratorSource named requirement if it is any of the following:

  • A random access iterator

  • The unspecified iterator-like type returned by oneapi::dpl::begin or oneapi::dpl::end

  • A permutation_iterator

  • A transform_iterator

  • A counting_iterator

  • A discard_iterator

  • A zip_iterator

template <typename Integral>
class counting_iterator
    using difference_type = /* a signed integer type of the same size as Integral */;
    using value_type = Integral;
    using reference = Integral;

    explicit counting_iterator(Integral init);

    reference operator*() const;
    reference operator[](difference_type i) const;

    difference_type operator-(const counting_iterator& it) const;

    counting_iterator operator+(difference_type forward) const;
    counting_iterator operator-(difference_type backward) const;

    counting_iterator& operator+=(difference_type forward);
    counting_iterator& operator-=(difference_type backward);

    counting_iterator& operator++();
    counting_iterator& operator--();
    counting_iterator& operator++(int);
    counting_iterator& operator--(int);

    bool operator==(const counting_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator!=(const counting_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator<(const counting_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator>(const counting_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator<=(const counting_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator>=(const counting_iterator& it) const;

counting_iterator is a random access iterator-like type that represents an integer counter. When dereferenced, counting_iterator provides an Integral rvalue equal to the value of the counter; dereference operations cannot be used to modify the counter. The arithmetic and comparison operators of counting_iterator behave as if applied to the values of Integral type representing the counters of the iterator instances passed to the operators.

class discard_iterator
    using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
    using value_type = /* unspecified */;
    using reference = /* unspecified */;

    explicit discard_iterator(difference_type init);

    reference operator*() const;
    reference operator[](difference_type) const;

    difference_type operator-(const discard_iterator& it) const;

    discard_iterator operator+(difference_type forward) const;
    discard_iterator operator-(difference_type backward) const;

    discard_iterator& operator+=(difference_type forward);
    discard_iterator& operator-=(difference_type backward);

    discard_iterator& operator++();
    discard_iterator& operator--();
    discard_iterator operator++(int);
    discard_iterator operator--(int);

    bool operator==(const discard_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator!=(const discard_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator<(const discard_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator>(const discard_iterator& it) const;

discard_iterator is a random access iterator-like type that, when dereferenced, provides an lvalue that may be assigned an arbitrary value. The assignment has no effect on the discard_iterator instance; the write is discarded. The arithmetic and comparison operators of discard_iterator behave as if applied to integer counter values maintained by the iterator instances to determine their position relative to each other.

template <typename SourceIterator, typename IndexMap>
class permutation_iterator
    using difference_type =
        typename std::iterator_traits<SourceIterator>::difference_type;
    using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<SourceIterator>::value_type;
    using pointer = typename std::iterator_traits<SourceIterator>::pointer;
    using reference = typename std::iterator_traits<SourceIterator>::reference;

    permutation_iterator(const SourceIterator& input1, const IndexMap& input2,
                         std::size_t index = 0);

    SourceIterator base() const;

    reference operator*() const;
    reference operator[](difference_type i) const;

    difference_type operator-(const permutation_iterator& it) const;

    permutation_iterator operator+(difference_type forward) const;
    permutation_iterator operator-(difference_type backward) const;

    permutation_iterator& operator+=(difference_type forward);
    permutation_iterator& operator-=(difference_type forward);

    permutation_iterator& operator++();
    permutation_iterator& operator--();
    permutation_iterator operator++(int);
    permutation_iterator operator--(int);

    bool operator==(const permutation_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator!=(const permutation_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator<(const permutation_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator>(const permutation_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator<=(const permutation_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator>=(const permutation_iterator& it) const;

permutation_iterator is a random access iterator-like type whose dereferenced value set is defined by the source iterator provided, and whose iteration order over the dereferenced value set is defined by either another iterator or a functor that maps the permutation_iterator index to the index of the source iterator. The arithmetic and comparison operators of permutation_iterator behave as if applied to integer counter values maintained by the iterator instances to determine their position in the index map. SourceIterator must satisfy AdaptingIteratorSource.

The type IndexMap must be one of the following:

  • A random access iterator

  • The unspecified iterator-like type returned by oneapi::dpl::begin or oneapi::dpl::end

  • A permutation_iterator

  • A transform_iterator

  • A counting_iterator

  • A functor with a signature equivalent to T operator()(const T&) const where T is a std::iterator_traits<SourceIterator>::difference_type

permutation_iterator::operator* uses the counter value of the instance on which it is invoked to index into the index map. The corresponding value in the map is then used to index into the value set defined by the source iterator. The resulting lvalue is returned as the result of the operator.

permutation_iterator::operator[] uses the parameter i to index into the index map. The corresponding value in the map is then used to index into the value set defined by the source iterator. The resulting lvalue is returned as the result of the operator.

template <typename SourceIterator, typename IndexMap>
permutation_iterator<SourceIterator, IndexMap>
make_permutation_iterator(SourceIterator source, IndexMap map);

make_permutation_iterator constructs and returns an instance of permutation_iterator using the source iterator and index map provided.

template <typename Iterator, typename UnaryFunc>
class transform_iterator
    using difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type;
    using reference = typename std::invoke_result<UnaryFunc,
                          typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::reference>::type;
    using value_type = typename std::remove_reference<reference>::type;
    using pointer = typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::pointer;

    Iterator base() const;

    transform_iterator(Iterator it, UnaryFunc unary_func);
    transform_iterator(const transform_iterator& input);
    transform_iterator& operator=(const transform_iterator& input);

    reference operator*() const;
    reference operator[](difference_type i) const;

    difference_type operator-(const transform_iterator& it) const

    transform_iterator operator+(difference_type forward) const;
    transform_iterator operator-(difference_type backward) const;

    transform_iterator& operator+=(difference_type forward);
    transform_iterator& operator-=(difference_type backward);

    transform_iterator& operator++();
    transform_iterator& operator--();
    transform_iterator operator++(int);
    transform_iterator operator--(int);

    bool operator==(const transform_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator!=(const transform_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator<(const transform_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator>(const transform_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator<=(const transform_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator>=(const transform_iterator& it) const;

transform_iterator is a random access iterator-like type whose dereferenced value set is defined by the unary function and source iterator provided. When dereferenced, transform_iterator provides the result of the unary function applied to the corresponding element of the source iterator; dereference operations cannot be used to modify the elements of the source iterator unless the unary function result includes a reference to the element. The arithmetic and comparison operators of transform_iterator behave as if applied to the source iterator itself. The template type Iterator must satisfy AdaptingIteratorSource.

template <typename UnaryFunc, typename Iterator>
transform_iterator<UnaryFunc, Iterator>
make_transform_iterator(Iterator, UnaryFunc);

make_transform_iterator constructs and returns an instance of transform_iterator using the source iterator and unary function object provided.

template <typename... Iterators>
class zip_iterator
    using difference_type = typename std::make_signed<std::size_t>::type;
    using value_type =
        std::tuple<typename std::iterator_traits<Iterators>::value_type...>;
    using reference = /* unspecified tuple of reference types */;
    using pointer =
        std::tuple<typename std::iterator_traits<Iterators>::pointer...>;

    std::tuple<Iterators...> base() const;

    explicit zip_iterator(Iterators... args);
    zip_iterator(const zip_iterator& input);
    zip_iterator& operator=(const zip_iterator& input);

    reference operator*() const;
    reference operator[](difference_type i) const;

    difference_type operator-(const zip_iterator& it) const;
    zip_iterator operator-(difference_type backward) const;
    zip_iterator operator+(difference_type forward) const;

    zip_iterator& operator+=(difference_type forward);
    zip_iterator& operator-=(difference_type backward);

    zip_iterator& operator++();
    zip_iterator& operator--();
    zip_iterator operator++(int);
    zip_iterator operator--(int);

    bool operator==(const zip_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator!=(const zip_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator<(const zip_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator>(const zip_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator<=(const zip_iterator& it) const;
    bool operator>=(const zip_iterator& it) const;

zip_iterator is an iterator-like type defined over one or more iterators. When dereferenced, the value returned from zip_iterator is a tuple of the values returned by dereferencing the source iterators over which the zip_iterator is defined. The arithmetic operators of zip_iterator update the source iterators of a zip_iterator instance as though the operation were applied to each of these iterators. The types T within the template pack Iterators... must satisfy AdaptingIteratorSource.

template <typename... Iterators>

make_zip_iterator constructs and returns an instance of zip_iterator using the set of source iterators provided.