Collective Operations#

oneCCL specification defines the following collective communication operations:

These operations are collective, meaning that all participants (ranks) of oneCCL communicator should make a call. The order of collective operation calls should be the same across all ranks.

communicator shall provide the ability to perform communication operations either on host or device memory buffers depending on the device used to create the communicator. Additionally, communication operations shall accept an execution context (stream) and may accept a vector of events that the communication operation should depend on, that is, input dependencies. The output event object shall provide the ability to track the progress of the operation.


Support for handling of input events is optional

BufferType is used below to define the C++ type of elements in data buffers (buf, send_buf and recv_buf) of communication operations. At least the following types shall be supported: [u]int{8/16/32/64}_t, float, double. The explicit datatype parameter shall be used to enable data types which cannot be inferred from the function arguments.


See also: Custom Datatypes

The communication operation accepts a stream object. If a communicator is created from native_device_type, then the stream shall translate to native_stream_type created from the corresponding device.

The communication operation may accept attribute object. If that parameter is missed, then the default attribute object is used (default_<operation_name>_attr). The default attribute object shall be provided by the library.


See also: Operation Attributes

If the arguments provided to a communication operation call do not comply to the requirements of the operation, the behavior is undefined unless it is specified otherwise.


Allgatherv is a collective communication operation that collects data from all the ranks within a communicator into a single buffer. Different ranks may contribute segments of different sizes. The resulting data in the output buffer must be the same for each rank.

Allgatherv is in place when send_buf == recv_buf + rank_offset, where rank_offset = sum (recv_counts[i]), for all i < rank.

template<class BufferType>
event ccl::allgatherv(const BufferType* send_buf,
                      size_t send_count,
                      BufferType* recv_buf,
                      const vector_class<size_t>& recv_counts,
                      const communicator& comm,
                      const stream& stream,
                      const allgatherv_attr& attr = default_allgatherv_attr,
                      const vector_class<event>& deps = {});

event ccl::allgatherv(const void* send_buf,
                      size_t send_count,
                      void* recv_buf,
                      const vector_class<size_t>& recv_counts,
                      datatype dtype,
                      const communicator& comm,
                      const stream& stream,
                      const allgatherv_attr& attr = default_allgatherv_attr,
                      const vector_class<event>& deps = {});

the buffer with send_count elements of BufferType that stores local data to be gathered


the number of elements of type BufferType in send_buf

recv_buf [out]

the buffer to store the gathered result, must be large enough to hold values from all ranks

an array with the number of elements of type BufferType to be received from each rank
the array’s size must be equal to the number of ranks
the values in the array are expected to be the same for all ranks
the value at the position of the caller’s rank must be equal to send_count
the datatype of elements in send_buf and recv_buf
must be skipped if BufferType can be inferred
otherwise must be passed explicitly

the communicator that defines a group of ranks for the operation


the stream associated with the operation


optional attributes to customize the operation


an optional vector of the events that the operation should depend on

return event

an object to track the progress of the operation


Allreduce is a collective communication operation that performs the global reduction operation on values from all ranks of communicator and distributes the result back to all ranks.

Allreduce is in-place when send_buf == recv_buf.

template <class BufferType>
event ccl::allreduce(const BufferType* send_buf,
                     BufferType* recv_buf,
                     size_t count,
                     reduction rtype,
                     const communicator& comm,
                     const stream& stream,
                     const allreduce_attr& attr = default_allreduce_attr,
                     const vector_class<event>& deps = {});

event ccl::allreduce(const void* send_buf,
                     void* recv_buf,
                     size_t count,
                     reduction rtype,
                     datatype dtype,
                     const communicator& comm,
                     const stream& stream,
                     const allreduce_attr& attr = default_allreduce_attr,
                     const vector_class<event>& deps = {});

the buffer with count elements of BufferType that stores local data to be reduced

recv_buf [out]

the buffer to store the reduced result, must have the same dimension as send_buf


the number of elements of type BufferType in send_buf and recv_buf


the type of the reduction operation to be applied

the datatype of elements in send_buf and recv_buf
must be skipped if BufferType can be inferred
otherwise must be passed explicitly

the communicator that defines a group of ranks for the operation


the stream associated with the operation


optional attributes to customize the operation


an optional vector of the events that the operation should depend on

return event

an object to track the progress of the operation


Alltoall is a collective communication operation in which each rank sends separate blocks of data to each rank. Block sizes may differ. The j-th block of send buffer sent from the i-th rank is received by the j-th rank and is placed in the i-th block of receive buffer.

template <class BufferType>
event ccl::alltoallv(const BufferType* send_buf,
                     const vector_class<size_t>& send_counts,
                     BufferType* recv_buf,
                     const vector_class<size_t>& recv_counts,
                     const communicator& comm,
                     const stream& stream,
                     const alltoallv_attr& attr = default_alltoallv_attr,
                     const vector_class<event>& deps = {});

event ccl::alltoallv(const void* send_buf,
                     const vector_class<size_t>& send_counts,
                     void* recv_buf,
                     const vector_class<size_t>& recv_counts,
                     datatype dtype,
                     const communicator& comm,
                     const stream& stream,
                     const alltoallv_attr& attr = default_alltoallv_attr,
                     const vector_class<event>& deps = {});

the buffer with elements of BufferType that stores local blocks to be sent to each rank

an array with number of elements of type BufferType in the blocks sent for each rank
the array’s size must be equal to the number of ranks
the values at the position of the caller’s rank in send_counts and recv_counts must be equal
recv_buf [out]

the buffer to store the received result, must be large enough to hold blocks from all ranks

an array with number of elements of type BufferType in the blocks received from each rank
the array’s size must be equal to the number of ranks
the values at the position of the caller’s rank in send_counts and recv_counts must be equal
the datatype of elements in send_buf and recv_buf
must be skipped if BufferType can be inferred
otherwise must be passed explicitly

the communicator that defines a group of ranks for the operation


the stream associated with the operation


optional attributes to customize the operation


an optional vector of the events that the operation should depend on

return event

an object to track the progress of the operation


Barrier synchronization is performed across all ranks of the communicator and it is completed only after all the ranks in the communicator have called it.

event ccl::barrier(const communicator& comm,
                   const stream& stream,
                   const barrier_attr& attr = default_barrier_attr,
                   const vector_class<event>& deps = {});

the communicator that defines a group of ranks for the operation


the stream associated with the operation


optional attributes to customize the operation


an optional vector of the events that the operation should depend on

return event

an object to track the progress of the operation


Broadcast is a collective communication operation that broadcasts data from one rank of communicator (denoted as root) to all other ranks.

template <class BufferType>
event ccl::broadcast(BufferType* buf,
                     size_t count,
                     int root,
                     const communicator& comm,
                     const stream& stream,
                     const broadcast_attr& attr = default_broadcast_attr,
                     const vector_class<event>& deps = {});

event ccl::broadcast(void* buf,
                     size_t count,
                     datatype dtype,
                     int root,
                     const communicator& comm,
                     const stream& stream,
                     const broadcast_attr& attr = default_broadcast_attr,
                     const vector_class<event>& deps = {});
buf [in,out]
the buffer with count elements of BufferType
serves as send_buf for root and as recv_buf for other ranks

the number of elements of type BufferType in buf


the rank that broadcasts buf

the datatype of elements in buf
must be skipped if BufferType can be inferred
otherwise must be passed explicitly

the communicator that defines a group of ranks for the operation


the stream associated with the operation


optional attributes to customize the operation


an optional vector of the events that the operation should depend on

return event

an object to track the progress of the operation


Reduce is a collective communication operation that performs the global reduction operation on values from all ranks of the communicator and returns the result to the root rank.

Reduce is in-place when send_buf == recv_buf.

template <class BufferType>
event ccl::reduce(const BufferType* send_buf,
                  BufferType* recv_buf,
                  size_t count,
                  reduction rtype,
                  int root,
                  const communicator& comm,
                  const stream& stream,
                  const reduce_attr& attr = default_reduce_attr,
                  const vector_class<event>& deps = {});

event ccl::reduce(const void* send_buf,
                  void* recv_buf,
                  size_t count,
                  datatype dtype,
                  reduction rtype,
                  int root,
                  const communicator& comm,
                  const stream& stream,
                  const reduce_attr& attr = default_reduce_attr,
                  const vector_class<event>& deps = {});

the buffer with count elements of BufferType that stores local data to be reduced

recv_buf [out]
the buffer to store the reduced result, must have the same dimension as send_buf.
Used by the root rank only, ignored by other ranks.

the number of elements of type BufferType in send_buf and recv_buf


the type of the reduction operation to be applied


the rank that gets the result of the reduction

the datatype of elements in send_buf and recv_buf
must be skipped if BufferType can be inferred
otherwise must be passed explicitly

the communicator that defines a group of ranks for the operation


the stream associated with the operation


optional attributes to customize the operation


an optional vector of the events that the operation should depend on

return event

an object to track the progress of the operation


Reduce-scatter is a collective communication operation that performs the global reduction operation on values from all ranks of the communicator and scatters the result in blocks back to all ranks.

ReduceScatter is in-place when recv_buf == send_buf + rank * recv_count

template <class BufferType>
event ccl::reduce_scatter(const BufferType* send_buf,
                          BufferType* recv_buf,
                          size_t recv_count,
                          reduction rtype,
                          const communicator& comm,
                          const stream& stream,
                          const reduce_scatter_attr& attr = default_reduce_scatter_attr,
                          const vector_class<event>& deps = {});

event ccl::reduce_scatter(const void* send_buf,
                          void* recv_buf,
                          size_t recv_count,
                          datatype dtype,
                          reduction rtype,
                          const communicator& comm,
                          const stream& stream,
                          const reduce_scatter_attr& attr = default_reduce_scatter_attr,
                          const vector_class<event>& deps = {});

the buffer with comm_size * count elements of BufferType that stores local data to be reduced

recv_buf [out]

the buffer to store the result block containing recv_count elements of type BufferType


the number of elements of type BufferType in the received block


the type of the reduction operation to be applied

the datatype of elements in send_buf and recv_buf
must be skipped if BufferType can be inferred
otherwise must be passed explicitly

the communicator that defines a group of ranks for the operation


the stream associated with the operation


optional attributes to customize the operation


an optional vector of the events that the operation should depend on

return event

an object to track the progress of the operation

Point-To-Point Operations#

OneCCL specification defines the following point-to-point operations:

  • Send

  • Recv

In point-to-point communication, two ranks participate in the communication so when a process sends data to a peer rank, the peer rank needs to post a recv call with the same datatype and count as the sending rank.

The current specification only supports blocking send and recv and does not support for multiple send and receive operations to proceed concurrently.

In the send operation, the peer specifies the destination process, while in the recv operation peer specifies the source process.

As with the collective operations, the communicator can perform communication operations on host or device memory buffers depending on the device used to create the communicator. Additionally, communication operations accept an execution context (stream) and may accept a vector of events on which the communication operation should depend, that is, input dependencies. The output event object provides the ability to track the operation’s progress.


Support for the handling of input events is optional.

BufferType is used below to define the C++ type of elements in communication operations’ data buffers (buf, send_buf, and recv_buf). At least the following types should be supported: [u]int{8/16/32/64}_t, float, double. The explicit datatype parameter enable data types that cannot be inferred from the function arguments. For more information, see Custom Datatypes.

The communication operation accepts a stream object. If a communicator is created from native_device_type, then the stream translates to native_stream_type created from the corresponding device.

The communication operation may accept attribute objects. If that parameter is missed, then the default attribute object is used (default_<operation_name>_attr). The default attribute object is provided by the library. For more information, see Operation Attributes.

If the arguments provided to a communication operation call do not comply with the requirements of the operation, the behavior is undefined, unless otherwise specified.


A blocking point-to-point communication operation that sends the data in a buf to a peer rank.

template <class BufferType,
event CCL_API send(BufferType *buf,
                   size_t count,
                   int peer,
                   const communicator &comm,
                   const stream &stream,
                   const pt2pt_attr &attr = default_pt2pt_attr,
                   const vector_class<event>& deps = {});

event CCL_API send(void *buf,
                   size_t count,
                   datatype dtype,
                   int peer,
                   const communicator &comm,
                   const stream &stream,
                   const pt2pt_attr &attr = default_pt2pt_attr,
                   const vector_class<event> &deps = {});

the buffer with count elements of dtype that contains the data to be sent


the number of elements of type dtype in buf


the datatype of elements in buf must be skipped if BufferType can be inferred otherwise must be passed explicitly


the destination rank


the communicator that defines a group of ranks for the operation


the stream associated with the operation


optional attributes to customize the operation


an optional vector of the events that the operation should depend on

return event

an object to track the progress of the operation


A blocking point-to-point communication operation that receives the data in a buf from a peer rank.

template <class BufferType,
          event CCL_API recv(BufferType *buf,
                   size_t count,
                   int peer,
                   const communicator &comm,
                   const stream &stream,
                   const pt2pt_attr &attr = default_pt2pt_attr,
                   const vector_class<event> &deps = {});

event CCL_API send(void *buf,
                   size_t count,
                   datatype dtype,
                   int peer,
                   const communicator &comm,
                   const stream &stream,
                   const pt2pt_attr &attr = default_pt2pt_attr,
                   const vector_class<event> &deps = {});
buf [out]

the buffer with count elements of dtype that contains the data to be sent


the number of elements of type dtype in buf


the datatype of elements in buf must be skipped if BufferType can be inferred otherwise must be passed explicitly


the destination rank


the communicator that defines a group of ranks for the operation


The stream associated with the operation


optional attributes to customize the operation


an optional vector of the events that the operation should depend on

return event

object to track the progress of the operation