Operation Set#
oneDNN Graph defines an operation set. oneDNN Graph implementation may support a subset of the operation set.
- Abs
- AbsBackward
- Add
- AvgPool
- AvgPoolBackward
- BatchNormForwardTraining
- BatchNormInference
- BatchNormTrainingBackward
- BiasAdd
- BiasAddBackward
- Clamp
- ClampBackward
- Concat
- ConvTranspose
- ConvTransposeBackwardData
- ConvTransposeBackwardWeights
- Convolution
- ConvolutionBackwardData
- ConvolutionBackwardWeights
- Dequantize
- Divide
- DynamicDequantize
- DynamicQuantize
- Elu
- EluBackward
- End
- Exp
- GELUBackward
- HardSigmoid
- HardSigmoidBackward
- HardSwish
- HardSwishBackward
- Interpolate
- InterpolateBackward
- LayerNorm
- LayerNormBackward
- LeakyReLU
- Log
- LogSoftmax
- LogSoftmaxBackward
- MatMul
- MaxPool
- MaxPoolBackward
- Maximum
- Minimum
- Mish
- MishBackward
- Multiply
- Pow
- PReLUBackward
- Quantize
- ReLU
- ReLUBackward
- Reciprocal
- ReduceL1
- ReduceL2
- ReduceMax
- ReduceMean
- ReduceMin
- ReduceProd
- ReduceSum
- Reorder
- Round
- Select
- Sigmoid
- SigmoidBackward
- SoftPlus
- SoftPlusBackward
- SoftMax
- SoftMaxBackward
- Sqrt
- SqrtBackward
- Square
- SquaredDifference
- StaticReshape
- StaticTranspose
- Subtract
- Tanh
- TanhBackward
- TypeCast
- Wildcard