Parallel Algorithms

Parallel Algorithms#

The parallel algorithms are defined in the <oneapi/dpl/algorithm> header, in namespace oneapi::dpl.

template<typename Policy, typename InputKeyIt, typename InputValueIt,
    typename OutputValueIt,
    typename T = typename std::iterator_traits<InputValueIt>::value_type,
    typename BinaryPred =
        std::equal_to<typename std::iterator_traits<InputKeyIt>::value_type>,
    typename BinaryOp =
        std::plus<typename std::iterator_traits<InputValueIt>::value_type>>
exclusive_scan_by_segment(Policy&& policy, InputKeyIt keys_first,
    InputKeyIt keys_last, InputValueIt values_first, OutputValueIt values_result,
    T initial_value = 0,
    BinaryPred binary_pred =
        std::equal_to<typename std::iterator_traits<InputKeyIt>::value_type>(),
    BinaryOp binary_op =
        std::plus<typename std::iterator_traits<InputValueIt>::value_type>());

oneapi::dpl::exclusive_scan_by_segment performs partial prefix scans by applying the binary_op operation to a sequence of values. Each partial scan applies to a contiguous subsequence determined by the keys associated with the values being equal according to the binary_pred predicate, and the first element of each scan is the initial value provided. The return value is an iterator targeting the end of the result sequence.

The initial value used if one is not provided is an instance of the value_type of the InputValueIt iterator type initialized to 0. If no binary predicate is provided for the comparison of keys an instance of std::equal_to with the value_type of the InputKeyIt iterator type is used. Finally, an instance of std::plus with the value_type of the InputValueIt iterator type is used if no binary operator is provided to combine the elements of the value subsequences.

template<typename Policy, typename InputKeyIt, typename InputValueIt,
    typename OutputValueIt,
    typename BinaryPredcate =
        std::equal_to<typename std::iterator_traits<InputKeyIt>::value_type,
    typename BinaryOp =
        std::plus<typename std::iterator_traits<InputValueIt>::value_type>>
inclusive_scan_by_segment(Policy&& policy, InputKeyIt keys_first,
    InputKeyIt keys_last, InputValueIt values_first, OutputValueIt values_result
    BinaryPred binary_pred =
        std::equal_to<typename std::iterator_traits<InputKeyIt>::value_type>(),
    BinaryOp binary_op =
        std::plus<typename std::iterator_traits<InputValueIt>::value_type>());

oneapi::dpl::inclusive_scan_by_segment performs partial prefix scans by applying the binary_op operation to a sequence of values. Each partial scan applies to a contiguous subsequence determined by the keys associated with the values being equal according to the binary_pred predicate. The return value is an iterator targeting the end of the result sequence.

If no binary predicate is provided for the comparison of keys an instance of std::equal_to with the value_type of the InputKeyIt iterator type is used. An instance of std::plus with the value_type of the InputValueIt iterator type is used if no binary operator is provided to combine the elements of the value subsequences.

template<typename Policy, typename InputKeyIt, typename InputValueIt,
    typename OutputKeyIt, typename OutputValueIt,
    typename BinaryPredcate =
        std::equal_to<typename std::iterator_traits<InputKeyIt>::value_type,
    typename BinaryOp =
        std::plus<typename std::iterator_traits<InputValueIt>::value_type>>
reduce_by_segment(Policy&& policy, InputKeyIt keys_first, InputKeyIt keys_last,
    InputValueIt values_first, OutputKeyIt keys_result,
    OutputValueIt values_result,
    BinaryPred binary_pred =
        std::equal_to<typename std::iterator_traits<InputKeyIt>::value_type>(),
    BinaryOp binary_op =
        std::plus<typename std::iterator_traits<InputValueIt>::value_type>());

oneapi::dpl::reduce_by_segment performs partial reductions on a sequence of values. Each reduction is computed with the binary_op operation for a contiguous subsequence of values determined by the associated keys being equal according to the binary_pred predicate. For each subsequence the first of the equal keys is stored into keys_result and the computed reduction is stored into values_result. The return value is a pair of iterators holding the end of the resulting sequences.

If no binary predicate is provided for the comparison of keys an instance of std::equal_to with the value_type of the InputKeyIt iterator type is used. An instance of std::plus with the value_type of the InputValueIt iterator type is used to combine the values in each subsequence identified if a binary operator is not provided.

template<typename Policy, typename InputIt1, typename InputIt2, typename OutputIt,
    typename Comparator =
        std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIt>::value_type>>
binary_search(Policy&& policy, InputIt1 start, InputIt1 end,
    InputIt2 value_first, InputIt2 value_last, OutputIterator result,
    Comparator comp =
        std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIt1>::value_type>());

oneapi::dpl::binary_search performs a binary search over the data in [start, end) for each value in [value_first, value_last). If the value exists in the data searched then the corresponding element in [result, result + distance(value_first, value_last)) is set to true, otherwise it is set to false.

If no comparator is provided, operator< is used to determine when the search value is less than an element in the range being searched.

The elements of [start, end) must be partitioned with respect to the comparator used. For all elements e in [start, end) and a given search value v in [value_first, value_last), comp(e, v) implies !comp(v, e).

template<typename Policy, typename InputIt1, typename InputIt2, typename OutputIt,
    typename Comparator =
        std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIt>::value_type>>
lower_bound(Policy&& policy, InputIt1 start, InputIt1 end,
    InputIt2 value_first, InputIt2 value_last, OutputIterator result,
    Comparator comp =
        std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIt1>::value_type>());

oneapi::dpl::lower_bound performs a binary search over the data in [start, end) for each value in [value_first, value_last) to find the lowest index at which the search value could be inserted in [start, end) without violating the ordering defined by the comparator provided. That lowest index is then assigned to the corresponding element in [result, result + distance(value_first, value_last)).

If no comparator is provided, operator< is used to determine when the search value is less than an element in the range being searched.

The elements of [start, end) must be partitioned with respect to the comparator used.

template<typename Policy, typename InputIt1, typename InputIt2, typename OutputIt,
    typename Comparator =
        std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIt>::value_type>>
upper_bound(Policy&& policy, InputIt1 start, InputIt1 end,
    InputIt2 value_first, InputIt2 value_last, OutputIterator result,
    Comparator comp =
        std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIt1>::value_type>());

oneapi::dpl::upper_bound performs a binary search over the data in [start, end) for each value in [value_first, value_last) to find the highest index at which the search value could be inserted in [start, end) without violating the ordering defined by the comparator provided. That highest index is then assigned to the corresponding element in [result, result + distance(value_first, value_last)).

If no comparator is provided, operator< is used to determine when the search value is less than an element in the range being searched.

The elements of [start, end) must be partitioned with respect to the comparator used.

template <typename Policy, typename InputIt, typename OutputIt, typename UnaryOp,
    typename UnaryPredicate>
transform_if(Policy&& policy, InputIt start, InputIt end, OutputIt result, UnaryOp op,
    UnaryPredicate pred);                                                               // (1)

template <typename Policy, typename InputIt1, typename InputIt2, typename OutputIt,
    typename BinaryOp, typename BinaryPredicate>
transform_if(Policy&& policy, InputIt1 start1, InputIt1 end1, InputIt2 start2, OutputIt result,
    BinaryOp op, BinaryPredicate pred);                                                 // (2)

oneapi::dpl::transform_if applies a given function to the elements of the input sequence(s) that satisfy a given predicate, and stores the result to the output. Depending on the arguments, the algorithm:

  1. Evaluates the unary predicate pred for each position i of the sequence [start, end) and if pred(start[i]) == true, it performs the unary operation op(start[i]) and stores the result into result[i]. If pred(start[i]) == false, the data element result[i] is not modified from its initial value. The return value is an iterator targeting past the last considered element of the output sequence, that is, result + (end - start).

  2. Evaluates the binary predicate pred for each position i of the sequence [start1, end1) and if pred(start1[i], start2[i]) == true, it performs the binary operation op(start1[i], start2[i]) and stores the result into result[i]. If pred(start1[i], start2[i]) == false, the data element result[i] is not modified from its initial value. The return value is an iterator targeting past the last considered element of the output sequence, that is, result + (end1 - start1).

template<typename Policy, typename KeyIt, typename ValueIt,
    typename Comparator = std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<KeyIt>::value_type>>
sort_by_key(Policy&& policy, KeyIt keys_first, KeyIt keys_last,
    ValueIt values_first,
    Comparator comp = std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<KeyIt>::value_type>());

oneapi::dpl::sort_by_key sorts the sequence of keys [keys_first, keys_last) and simultaneously permutes associated values at the same positions in the range [values_first, values_first + std::distance(keys_first, keys_last)) to match the order of the sorted keys. That is, a key and its associated value will have the same index in their respective sequences after sorting.

Keys are sorted with respect to the provided comparator object comp. That means, for any two iterators i and j to the sorted sequence of keys such that i precedes j, comp(*j, *i) == false. If no comp object is provided, keys are sorted with respect to std::less.

Sorting is unstable. That means, keys which do not precede one another with respect to the given comparator and their associated values might be ordered arbitrarily relative to each other.

KeyIt and ValueIt must satisfy the requirements of ValueSwappable, and Comparator must satisfy the requirements for the Compare parameter of std::sort, as defined by the C++ Standard.

template<typename Policy, typename KeyIt, typename ValueIt,
    typename Comparator = std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<KeyIt>::value_type>>
stable_sort_by_key(Policy&& policy, KeyIt keys_first, KeyIt keys_last,
    ValueIt values_first,
    Comparator comp = std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<KeyIt>::value_type>());

oneapi::dpl::stable_sort_by_key sorts the sequence of keys [keys_first, keys_last) and simultaneously permutes associated values at the same positions in the range [values_first, values_first + std::distance(keys_first, keys_last)) to match the order of the sorted keys. That is, a key and its associated value will have the same index in their respective sequences after sorting.

Keys are sorted with respect to the provided comparator object comp. That means, for any two iterators i and j to the sorted sequence of keys such that i precedes j, comp(*j, *i) == false. If no comp object is provided, keys are sorted with respect to std::less.

Sorting is stable. That means, keys which do not precede one another with respect to the given comparator and their associated values maintain the relative order as in the original sequences.

KeyIt and ValueIt must satisfy the requirements of ValueSwappable, and Comparator must satisfy the requirements for the Compare parameter of std::sort, as defined by the C++ Standard.

template <typename Policy, typename InputIt, typename Size, typename ValueType,
    typename OutputIt>
histogram(Policy&& exec, InputIt start, InputIt end, Size num_intervals,
    ValueType first_interval_begin, ValueType last_interval_end, OutputIt histogram_first); // (1)

template <typename Policy, typename InputIt1, typename InputIt2, typename OutputIt>
histogram(Policy&& exec, InputIt1 start, InputIt1 end, InputIt2 boundary_start,
          InputIt2 boundary_end, OutputIt histogram_first);                                 // (2)

oneapi::dpl::histogram computes the histogram over the data in [start, end) by counting the number of elements that map to each of a set of bins and storing the counts into the output sequence starting from histogram_first. Input values that do not map to a defined bin are skipped silently. The value type of OutputIt must be an integral type of sufficient size to store the counts of the histogram without overflow. The return value is an iterator targeting past the last element of the output sequence starting from histogram_first.

  1. The elements of [start, end) are mapped into num_intervals bins that evenly divide the range [first_interval_begin, last_interval_end). Each bin is of size bin_size = (last_interval_end - first_interval_begin) / num_intervals as represented by a real number without rounding or truncation. An input element start[i] maps to a bin histogram_first[j] if and only if (first_interval_begin + j * bin_size <= start[i]) && (start[i] < first_interval_begin + (j + 1) * bin_size). Both ValueType and the value type of InputIt must be arithmetic types.

  2. The elements of [start, end) are mapped into std::distance(boundary_start, boundary_end) - 1) bins defined by the values in [boundary_start, boundary_end). An input element start[i] maps to a bin histogram_first[j] if and only if (boundary_start[j] <= start[i]) && (start[i] < boundary_start[j + 1]). The value types of InputIt1 and InputIt2 must be arithmetic types. The values in [boundary_start, boundary_end) must be sorted with respect to operator<.