Feature Macros


Macros in this section control optional features of the library.


The TBB_USE_EXCEPTIONS macro controls whether the library headers use exception-handling constructs such as try, catch, and throw. The headers do not use these constructs when TBB_USE_EXCEPTIONS=0.

For the Microsoft Windows*, Linux*, and macOS* operating systems, the default value is 1 if exception handling constructs are enabled in the compiler, and 0, otherwise.


The runtime library may still throw an exception when TBB_USE_EXCEPTIONS=0.


The TBB_USE_GLIBCXX_VERSION macro can be used to specify the proper version of GNU libstdc++ if the detection fails. Define the value of the macro equal to Major*10000 + Minor*100 + Patch, where Major.Minor.Patch is the actual GCC/libstdc++ version (if unknown, it can be obtained with the 'gcc -dumpversion' command). For example, if you use libstdc++ from GCC 4.9.2, define TBB_USE_GLIBCXX_VERSION=40902.