Construction, destruction, copying

Empty container constructors


explicit concurrent_priority_queue( const allocator_type& alloc );

explicit concurrent_priority_queue( const Compare& compare, const allocator_type& alloc );

Constructs an empty concurrent_priority_queue. The initial capacity is unspecified. If provided, uses the predicate compare for priority comparisons and the allocator alloc to allocate the memory.

concurrent_priority_queue( size_type init_capacity,
                           const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type() );

concurrent_priority_queue( size_type init_capacity,
                           const Compare& compare,
                           const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type() );

Constructs an empty concurrent_priority_queue with the initial capacity init_capacity. If provided, uses the predicate compare for priority comparisons and the allocator alloc to allocate the memory.

Constructors from the sequence of elements

template <typename InputIterator>
concurrent_priority_queue( InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
                           const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type() );

template <typename InputIterator>
concurrent_priority_queue( InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
                           const Compare& compare,
                           const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type() );

Constructs a concurrent_priority_queue containing all elements from the half-open interval [first, last).

If provided, uses the predicate compare for priority comparisons and the allocator alloc to allocate the memory.

Requirements: the type InputIterator must meet the InputIterator requirements from the [input.iterators] ISO C++ Standard section.

concurrent_priority_queue( std::initializer_list<value_type> init,
                           const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type() );

Equivalent to concurrent_priority_queue(init.begin(), init.end(), alloc).

concurrent_priority_queue( std::initializer_list<value_type> init,
                           const Compare& compare,
                           const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type() );

Equivalent to concurrent_priority_queue(init.begin(), init.end(), compare, alloc).

Copying constructors

concurrent_priority_queue( const concurrent_priority_queue& other );

concurrent_priority_queue( const concurrent_priority_queue& other,
                           const allocator_type& alloc );

Constructs a copy of other.

If the allocator argument is not provided, it is obtained by std::allocator_traits<allocator_type>::select_on_container_copy_construction(other.get_allocator()).

The behavior is undefined in case of concurrent operations with other.

Moving constructors

concurrent_priority_queue( concurrent_priority_queue&& other );

concurrent_priority_queue( concurrent_priority_queue&& other,
                           const allocator_type& alloc );

Constructs a copy of other using move semantics.

other is left in a valid, but unspecified state.

If the allocator argument is not provided, it is obtained by std::move(other.get_allocator()).

The behavior is undefined in case of concurrent operations with other.



Destroys the concurrent_priority_queue. Calls destructors of the stored elements and deallocates the used storage.

The behavior is undefined in case of concurrent operations with *this.

Assignment operators

concurrent_priority_queue& operator=( const concurrent_priority_queue& other );

Replaces all elements in *this by the copies of the elements in other.

Copy-assigns allocators if std::allocator_traits<allocator_type>::propagate_on_container_copy_assignment::value is true.

The behavior is undefined in case of concurrent operations with *this and other.

Returns: a reference to *this.

concurrent_priority_queue& operator=( concurrent_priority_queue&& other );

Replaces all elements in *this by the elements in other using move semantics.

other is left in a valid, but unspecified state.

Move-assigns allocators if std::allocator_traits<allocator_type>::propagate_on_container_move_assignment::value is true.

The behavior is undefined in case of concurrent operations with *this and other.

Returns: a reference to *this.

concurrent_priority_queue& operator=( std::initializer_list<value_type> init );

Replaces all elements in *this by the elements in init.

The behavior is undefined in case of concurrent operations with *this.

Returns: a reference to *this.


template <typename InputIterator>
void assign( InputIterator first, InputIterator last );

Replaces all elements in *this be the elements in the half-open interval [first, last).

The behavior is undefined in case of concurrent operations with *this.

Requirements: the type InputIterator must meet the InputIterator requirements from the [input.iterators] ISO C++ Standard section.

void assign( std::initializer_list<value_type> init );

Equivalent to assign(init.begin(), init.end()).