Entry point to create a dataset from the provided parameters.
Description and Assumptions
The oneapi::mkl::stats::make_dataset function is used to create a dataset from the provided storage of the observations matrix, the number of dimensions and observations, and other parameters.
make_dataset supports the following precisions for data:
make_dataset (buffer version)#
namespace oneapi::mkl::stats {
template<layout ObservationsLayout = layout::row_major, typename Type>
dataset<sycl::buffer<Type, 1>, ObservationsLayout> make_dataset(
std::int64_t n_dims,
std::int64_t n_observations,
sycl::buffer<Type, 1> observations,
sycl::buffer<Type, 1> weights = {0},
sycl::buffer<std::int64_t, 1> indices = {0});
Template Parameters
- ObservationsLayout
Data layout. The specific values are described in dataset.
- Type
Data precision.
Input Parameters
- n_dims
The number of dimensions.
- n_observations
The number of observations.
- observations
Matrix of observations.
- weights
Optional parameter. Array of weights of size n_observations. Elements of the array are non-negative members. If the parameter is not specified, each observation has weight equal to 1.
- indices
Optional parameter. Array of vector components that are processed. The size of the array is n_dims. If the parameter is not specified, all components are processed.
- oneapi::mkl::invalid_argument
Exception is thrown when :math: n_dims leq 0, or :math: n_observations leq 0, or observations.get_count() == 0
Return Value
Dataset holding specified parameters.
make_dataset (USM version)#
namespace oneapi::mkl::stats {
template<layout ObservationsLayout = layout::row_major, typename Type>
dataset<Type*, ObservationsLayout> make_dataset(std::nt64_t
n_dims, std::int64_t n_observations,
Type* observations, Type* weights = nullptr, std::int64_t* indices = nullptr);
Template Parameters
- ObservationsLayout
Data layout. The specific values are described in dataset.
- Type
Data precision.
Input Parameters
- n_dims
The number of dimensions.
- n_observations
The number of observations.
- observations
Matrix of observations.
- weights
Optional parameter. Array of weights of size n_observations. Elements of the array are non-negative members. If the parameter is not specified, each observation has weight equal to 1.
- indices
Optional parameter. Array of vector components that are processed. Size of array is n_dims. If the parameter is not specified, all components are processed.
- oneapi::mkl::invalid_argument
Exception is thrown when
, or , or observations == nullptr
Return Value
Dataset holding specified parameters.
Parent topic: Service Routines