Entry point to compute raw sums up to the 4th order.
Description and Assumptions
The oneapi::mkl::stats::raw_sum function is used to compute an array of raw sums up to the 4th order (raw sums for each dataset’s dimension).
raw_sum supports the following precisions for data:
raw_sum (Buffer version)¶
namespace oneapi::mkl::stats {
template<method Method = method::fast, typename Type, layout ObservationsLayout>
void raw_sum(sycl::queue& queue,
const dataset<ObservationsLayout, sycl::buffer<Type, 1>>& data,
sycl::buffer<Type, 1> sum,
sycl::buffer<Type, 1> raw_sum_2 = {0},
sycl::buffer<Type, 1> raw_sum_3 = {0},
sycl::buffer<Type, 1> raw_sum_4 = {0});
Template Parameters
- Method
Method which is used for estimate computation. The specific values are as follows:
- Type
Data precision.
- ObservationsLayout
Data layout. The specific values are described in dataset.
Input Parameters
- queue
The queue where the routine should be executed.
- data
Dataset which is used for computation.
Output Parameters
- sum
sycl::buffer array of sum values.
- raw_sum_2
Optional parameter. sycl::buffer array of 2nd order raw sum values.
- raw_sum_3
Optional parameter. sycl::buffer array of 3rd order raw sum values.
- raw_sum_4
Optional parameter. sycl::buffer array of 4th order raw sum values.
- oneapi::mkl::invalid_argument
Exception is thrown when sum.get_count() == 0 & raw_sum_2.get_count() == 0 & raw_sum_3.get_count() == 0 & raw_sum_4.get_count() == 0, or dataset object is invalid
raw_sum (USM version)¶
namespace oneapi::mkl::stats {
template<method Method = method::fast, typename Type, layout ObservationsLayout>
sycl::event raw_sum(sycl::queue& queue,
const dataset<ObservationsLayout, Type*>& data,
Type* sum,
Type* raw_sum_2 = nullptr,
Type* raw_sum_3 = nullptr,
Type* raw_sum_4 = nullptr,
const std::vector<sycl::event> &dependencies = {});
Template Parameters
- Method
Method which is used for estimate computation. The specific values are as follows:
- Type
Data precision.
- ObservationsLayout
Data layout. The specific values are described in dataset.
Input Parameters
- queue
The queue where the routine should be executed.
- data
Dataset which is used for computation.
- dependencies
Optional parameter. List of events to wait for before starting computation, if any.
Output Parameters
- sum
Pointer to the array of sum values.
- raw_sum_2
Optional parameter. Pointer to the array of the 2nd order raw sum values.
- raw_sum_3
Optional parameter. Pointer to the array of the 3rd order raw sum values.
- raw_sum_4
Optional parameter. Pointer to the array of the 2nd order raw sum values.
- oneapi::mkl::invalid_argument
Exception is thrown when sum == nullptr & raw_sum_2 == nullptr & raw_sum_3 == nullptr & raw_sum_4 == nullptr, or dataset object is invalid
Return Value
Output event to wait on to ensure computation is complete.
Parent topic: Summary Statistics Routines