

An instance of task_handle type owns a deferred task object.

namespace oneapi {
namespace tbb {

   class task_handle {
       task_handle(task_handle&& src);


       task_handle& operator=(task_handle&& src);

       explicit operator bool() const noexcept;

   bool operator==(task_handle const& h, std::nullptr_t) noexcept;
   bool operator==(std::nullptr_t, task_handle const& h) noexcept;

   bool operator!=(task_handle const& h, std::nullptr_t) noexcept;
   bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t, task_handle const& h) noexcept;

} // namespace tbb
} // namespace oneapi

Member Functions


Creates an empty task_handle object.

task_handle(task_handle &&src)

Constructs task_handle object with the content of src using move semantics. src becomes empty after the construction.


Destroys the task_handle object and associated task if it exists.

task_handle &operator=(task_handle &&src)

Replaces the content of task_handle object with the content of src using move semantics. src becomes empty after the assignment. The previously associated task object, if any, is destroyed before the assignment.

Returns: Reference to *this.

explicit operator bool() const noexcept

Checks if *this has an associated task object.

Returns: true if *this is not empty, false otherwise.

Non-Member Functions

bool operator==(task_handle const& h, std::nullptr_t) noexcept
bool operator==(std::nullptr_t, task_handle const& h) noexcept

Returns: true if h is empty, false otherwise.

bool operator!=(task_handle const& h, std::nullptr_t) noexcept
bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t, task_handle const& h) noexcept

Returns: true if h is not empty, false otherwise.