Dispatcher API Structure Reference



struct mfxDecoderDescription

The mfxDecoderDescription structure represents the description of a decoder.

Public Members

mfxStructVersion Version

Version of the structure.

mfxU16 reserved[7]

Reserved for future use.

mfxU16 NumCodecs

Number of supported decoders.

struct mfxDecoderDescription::decoder *Codecs

Pointer to the array of decoders.

struct decoder

This structure represents the decoder description.

Public Members

mfxU32 CodecID

Decoder ID in FourCC format.

mfxU16 reserved[8]

Reserved for future use.

mfxU16 MaxcodecLevel

Maximum supported codec level. See the CodecProfile enumerator for possible values.

mfxU16 NumProfiles

Number of supported profiles.

struct mfxDecoderDescription::decoder::decprofile *Profiles

Pointer to the array of profiles supported by the codec.

struct decprofile

This structure represents the codec profile description.

Public Members

mfxU32 Profile

Profile ID. See the CodecProfile enumerator for possible values.

mfxU16 reserved[7]

Reserved for future use.

mfxU16 NumMemTypes

Number of supported memory types.

struct mfxDecoderDescription::decoder::decprofile::decmemdesc *MemDesc

Pointer to the array of memory types.

struct decmemdesc

This structure represents the underlying details of the memory type.

Public Members

mfxResourceType MemHandleType

Memory handle type.

mfxRange32U Width

Range of supported image widths.

mfxRange32U Height

Range of supported image heights.

mfxU16 reserved[7]

Reserved for future use.

mfxU16 NumColorFormats

Number of supported output color formats.

mfxU32 *ColorFormats

Pointer to the array of supported output color formats (in FOURCC).


struct mfxDeviceDescription

This structure represents device description.

Public Members

mfxStructVersion Version

Version of the structure.

mfxU16 reserved[6]

reserved for future use.

mfxU16 MediaAdapterType

Graphics adapter type. See the mfxMediaAdapterType enumerator for a list of possible values.


Null terminated string with device ID.

mfxU16 NumSubDevices

Number of available uniform sub-devices. Pure software implementation can report 0.

struct mfxDeviceDescription::subdevices *SubDevices

Pointer to the array of available sub-devices.

struct subdevices

This structure represents sub-device description.

Public Members

mfxU32 Index

Index of the sub-device, started from 0 and increased by 1.


Null terminated string with unique sub-device ID, mapped to the system ID.

mfxU32 reserved[7]

reserved for future use.


struct mfxEncoderDescription

This structure represents an encoder description.

Public Members

mfxStructVersion Version

Version of the structure.

mfxU16 reserved[7]

Reserved for future use.

mfxU16 NumCodecs

Number of supported encoders.

struct mfxEncoderDescription::encoder *Codecs

Pointer to the array of encoders.

struct encoder

This structure represents encoder description.

Public Members

mfxU32 CodecID

Encoder ID in FourCC format.

mfxU16 MaxcodecLevel

Maximum supported codec level. See the CodecProfile enumerator for possible values.

mfxU16 BiDirectionalPrediction

Indicates B-frames support.

mfxU16 reserved[7]

Reserved for future use.

mfxU16 NumProfiles

Number of supported profiles.

struct mfxEncoderDescription::encoder::encprofile *Profiles

Pointer to the array of profiles supported by the codec.

struct encprofile

This structure represents the codec profile description.

Public Members

mfxU32 Profile

Profile ID. See the CodecProfile enumerator for possible values.

mfxU16 reserved[7]

Reserved for future use.

mfxU16 NumMemTypes

Number of supported memory types.

struct mfxEncoderDescription::encoder::encprofile::encmemdesc *MemDesc

Pointer to the array of memory types.

struct encmemdesc

This structure represents the underlying details of the memory type.

Public Members

mfxResourceType MemHandleType

Memory handle type.

mfxRange32U Width

Range of supported image widths.

mfxRange32U Height

Range of supported image heights.

mfxU16 reserved[7]

Reserved for future use.

mfxU16 NumColorFormats

Number of supported input color formats.

mfxU32 *ColorFormats

Pointer to the array of supported input color formats (in FOURCC).


struct mfxImplDescription

This structure represents the implementation description.

Public Members

mfxStructVersion Version

Version of the structure.

mfxImplType Impl

Impl type: software/hardware.

mfxAccelerationMode AccelerationMode

Default Hardware acceleration stack to use. OS dependent parameter. Use VA for Linux* and DX* for Windows*.

mfxVersion ApiVersion

Supported API version.

mfxChar ImplName[MFX_IMPL_NAME_LEN]

Null-terminated string with implementation name given by vendor.

mfxChar License[MFX_STRFIELD_LEN]

Null-terminated string with comma-separated list of license names of the implementation.

mfxChar Keywords[MFX_STRFIELD_LEN]

Null-terminated string with comma-separated list of keywords specific to this implementation that dispatcher can search for.

mfxU32 VendorID

Standard vendor ID 0x8086 - Intel.

mfxU32 VendorImplID

Vendor specific number with given implementation ID.

mfxDeviceDescription Dev

Supported device.

mfxDecoderDescription Dec

Decoder configuration.

mfxEncoderDescription Enc

Encoder configuration.

mfxVPPDescription VPP

VPP configuration.

mfxAccelerationModeDescription AccelerationModeDescription

Supported acceleration modes.

mfxPoolPolicyDescription PoolPolicies

Supported surface pool polices.

mfxU32 reserved[8]

Reserved for future use.

mfxU32 NumExtParam

Number of extension buffers. Reserved for future use. Must be 0.

mfxExtBuffer **ExtParam

Array of extension buffers.

mfxU64 Reserved2

Reserved for future use.

union mfxImplDescription::[anonymous] ExtParams

Extension buffers. Reserved for future.


struct mfxVariant

The mfxVariantType enumerator data types for mfxVarianf type.

Public Members

mfxStructVersion Version

Version of the structure.

mfxVariantType Type

Value type.

union mfxVariant::data Data

Value data member.

union data

Value data holder.

Public Members

mfxU8 U8

mfxU8 data.

mfxI8 I8

mfxI8 data.

mfxU16 U16

mfxU16 data.

mfxI16 I16

mfxI16 data.

mfxU32 U32

mfxU32 data.

mfxI32 I32

mfxI32 data.

mfxU64 U64

mfxU64 data.

mfxI64 I64

mfxI64 data.

mfxF32 F32

mfxF32 data.

mfxF64 F64

mfxF64 data.

mfxHDL Ptr


enum mfxVariantType

The mfxVariantType enumerator data types for mfxVariantType.



Undefined type.

enumerator MFX_VARIANT_TYPE_U8

8-bit unsigned integer.

enumerator MFX_VARIANT_TYPE_I8

8-bit signed integer.

enumerator MFX_VARIANT_TYPE_U16

16-bit unsigned integer.

enumerator MFX_VARIANT_TYPE_I16

16-bit signed integer.

enumerator MFX_VARIANT_TYPE_U32

32-bit unsigned integer.

enumerator MFX_VARIANT_TYPE_I32

32-bit signed integer.

enumerator MFX_VARIANT_TYPE_U64

64-bit unsigned integer.

enumerator MFX_VARIANT_TYPE_I64

64-bit signed integer.

enumerator MFX_VARIANT_TYPE_F32

32-bit single precision floating point.

enumerator MFX_VARIANT_TYPE_F64

64-bit double precision floating point.


Generic type pointer.


struct mfxVPPDescription

This structure represents VPP description.

Public Members

mfxStructVersion Version

Version of the structure.

mfxU16 reserved[7]

Reserved for future use.

mfxU16 NumFilters

Number of supported VPP filters.

struct mfxVPPDescription::filter *Filters

Pointer to the array of supported filters.

struct filter

This structure represents the VPP filters description.

Public Members

mfxU32 FilterFourCC

Filter ID in FourCC format.

mfxU16 MaxDelayInFrames

Introduced output delay in frames.

mfxU16 reserved[7]

Reserved for future use.

mfxU16 NumMemTypes

Number of supported memory types.

struct mfxVPPDescription::filter::memdesc *MemDesc

Pointer to the array of memory types.

struct memdesc

This structure represents the underlying details of the memory type.

Public Members

mfxResourceType MemHandleType

Memory handle type.

mfxRange32U Width

Range of supported image widths.

mfxRange32U Height

Range of supported image heights.

mfxU16 reserved[7]

Reserved for future use.

mfxU16 NumInFormats

Number of supported input color formats.

struct mfxVPPDescription::filter::memdesc::format *Formats

Pointer to the array of supported formats.

struct format

This structure represents the input color format description.

Public Members

mfxU32 InFormat

Input color in FourCC format.

mfxU16 reserved[5]

Reserved for future use.

mfxU16 NumOutFormat

Number of supported output color formats.

mfxU32 *OutFormats

Pointer to the array of supported output color formats (in FOURCC).


struct mfxAccelerationModeDescription

This structure represents acceleration modes description.

Public Members

mfxStructVersion Version

Version of the structure.

mfxU16 reserved[2]

reserved for future use.

mfxU16 NumAccelerationModes

Number of supported acceleration modes.

mfxAccelerationMode *Mode

Pointer to the array of supported acceleration modes.


struct mfxImplementedFunctions

This structure represents the list of names of implemented functions.

Public Members

mfxU16 NumFunctions

Number of function names in the FunctionsName array.

mfxChar **FunctionsName

Array of the null-terminated strings. Each string contains name of the implemented function.


struct mfxPoolPolicyDescription

This structure represents pool policy description.

Public Members

mfxStructVersion Version

Version of the structure.

mfxU16 reserved[2]

reserved for future use.

mfxU16 NumPoolPolicies

Number of supported pool policies.

mfxPoolAllocationPolicy *Policy

Pointer to the array of supported pool policies.