

A split_node sends each element of the incoming std::tuple to the output port that matches the element index in the incoming tuple.

// Defined in header <oneapi/tbb/flow_graph.h>

namespace oneapi {
namespace tbb {
namespace flow {

    template < typename TupleType >
    class split_node : public graph_node, public receiver<TupleType> {
        explicit split_node( graph &g );
        split_node( const split_node &other );

        bool try_put( const TupleType &v );

        using output_ports_type = /*implementation-defined*/ ;
        output_ports_type& output_ports();

} // namespace flow
} // namespace tbb
} // namespace oneapi


  • The type TupleType must be an instantiation of std::tuple.

split_node is a receiver<TupleType> and has a tuple of sender output ports. Each of output ports is specified by corresponding tuple element type. This node receives a tuple at its single input port and generates a message from each element of the tuple, passing each to the corresponding output port.

split_node has a discarding and broadcast-push properties.

split_node has unlimited concurrency, and behaves as a broadcast_node with multiple output ports.

Member functions

explicit split_node(graph &g)

Constructs a split_node registered with graph g.

split_node(const split_node &other)

Constructs a split_node that has the same initial state that other had when it was constructed. The split_node that is constructed has a reference to the same graph object as other. The predecessors and successors of other are not copied.



bool try_put(const TupleType &v)

Broadcasts each element of the incoming tuple to the nodes connected to the split_node output ports. The element at index i of v will be broadcast through the ith output port.

Returns: true

output_ports_type &output_ports()

Returns: a std::tuple of output ports.