Memory Structures¶
Structures used for memory.
struct mfxBitstream¶
Defines the buffer that holds compressed video data.
Public Members
mfxEncryptedData *EncryptedData¶
Reserved and must be zero.
mfxExtBuffer **ExtParam¶
Array of extended buffers for additional bitstream configuration. See the ExtendedBufferID enumerator for a complete list of extended buffers.
mfxU32 CodecId¶
Specifies the codec format identifier in the FourCC code. See the CodecFormatFourCC enumerator for details. This optional parameter is required for the simplified decode initialization.
mfxI64 DecodeTimeStamp¶
Decode time stamp of the compressed bitstream in units of 90KHz. A value of MFX_TIMESTAMP_UNKNOWN indicates that there is no time stamp.
This value is calculated by the encoder from the presentation time stamp provided by the application in the mfxFrameSurface1 structure and from the frame rate provided by the application during the encoder initialization.
mfxU64 TimeStamp¶
Time stamp of the compressed bitstream in units of 90KHz. A value of MFX_TIMESTAMP_UNKNOWN indicates that there is no time stamp.
mfxEncryptedData *EncryptedData¶
struct mfxFrameAllocator¶
Describes the API callback functions Alloc, Lock, Unlock, GetHDL, and Free that the implementation might use for allocating internal frames. Applications that operate on OS-specific video surfaces must implement these API callback functions.
Using the default allocator implies that frame data passes in or out of functions through pointers, as opposed to using memory IDs.
Behavior is undefined when using an incompletely defined external allocator.
See the Memory Allocation and External Allocators section for additional information.
Public Members
mfxStatus (*Alloc)(mfxHDL pthis, mfxFrameAllocRequest *request, mfxFrameAllocResponse *response)¶
Allocates surface frames. For decoders, MFXVideoDECODE_Init calls Alloc only once. That call includes all frame allocation requests. For encoders, MFXVideoENCODE_Init calls Alloc twice: once for the input surfaces and again for the internal reconstructed surfaces.
If two library components must share DirectX* surfaces, this function should pass the pre-allocated surface chain to the library instead of allocating new DirectX surfaces.
See the Surface Pool Allocation section for additional information.
- Parameters
pthis – [in] Pointer to the allocator object.
request – [in] Pointer to the mfxFrameAllocRequest structure that specifies the type and number of required frames.
response – [out] Pointer to the mfxFrameAllocResponse structure that retrieves frames actually allocated.
- Returns
MFX_ERR_NONE The function successfully allocated the memory block.
MFX_ERR_MEMORY_ALLOC The function failed to allocate the video frames.
MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED The function does not support allocating the specified type of memory.
mfxStatus (*Lock)(mfxHDL pthis, mfxMemId mid, mfxFrameData *ptr)¶
Locks a frame and returns its pointer.
- Parameters
pthis – [in] Pointer to the allocator object.
mid – [in] Memory block ID.
ptr – [out] Pointer to the returned frame structure.
- Returns
MFX_ERR_NONE The function successfully locked the memory block.
MFX_ERR_LOCK_MEMORY This function failed to lock the frame.
mfxStatus (*Unlock)(mfxHDL pthis, mfxMemId mid, mfxFrameData *ptr)¶
Unlocks a frame and invalidates the specified frame structure.
- Parameters
pthis – [in] Pointer to the allocator object.
mid – [in] Memory block ID.
ptr – [out] Pointer to the frame structure. This pointer can be NULL.
- Returns
MFX_ERR_NONE The function successfully locked the memory block.
mfxStatus (*GetHDL)(mfxHDL pthis, mfxMemId mid, mfxHDL *handle)¶
Returns the OS-specific handle associated with a video frame. If the handle is a COM interface, the reference counter must increase. The library will release the interface afterward.
- Parameters
pthis – [in] Pointer to the allocator object.
mid – [in] Memory block ID.
handle – [out] Pointer to the returned OS-specific handle.
- Returns
MFX_ERR_NONE The function successfully returned the OS-specific handle.
MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED The function does not support obtaining OS-specific handle..
mfxStatus (*Free)(mfxHDL pthis, mfxFrameAllocResponse *response)¶
De-allocates all allocated frames.
- Parameters
pthis – [in] Pointer to the allocator object.
response – [in] Pointer to the mfxFrameAllocResponse structure returned by the Alloc function.
- Returns
MFX_ERR_NONE The function successfully de-allocated the memory block.
mfxStatus (*Alloc)(mfxHDL pthis, mfxFrameAllocRequest *request, mfxFrameAllocResponse *response)¶
struct mfxFrameAllocRequest¶
Describes multiple frame allocations when initializing encoders, decoders, and video preprocessors. A range specifies the number of video frames. Applications are free to allocate additional frames. In all cases, the minimum number of frames must be at least NumFrameMin or the called API function will return an error.
Public Members
mfxFrameInfo Info¶
Describes the properties of allocated frames.
mfxFrameInfo Info¶
struct mfxFrameAllocResponse¶
Describes the response to multiple frame allocations. The calling API function returns the number of video frames actually allocated and pointers to their memory IDs.
struct mfxY410¶
Specifies “pixel” in Y410 color format.
struct mfxY416¶
Specifies “pixel” in Y416 color format.
struct mfxA2RGB10¶
Specifies “pixel” in A2RGB10 color format
struct mfxFrameData¶
Describes frame buffer pointers.
Extension Buffers
General members
mfxU16 MemType¶
Allocated memory type. See the ExtMemFrameType enumerator for details. Used for better integration of 3rd party plugins into the pipeline.
mfxU64 TimeStamp¶
Time stamp of the video frame in units of 90KHz. Divide TimeStamp by 90,000 (90 KHz) to obtain the time in seconds. A value of MFX_TIMESTAMP_UNKNOWN indicates that there is no time stamp.
Color Planes
Data pointers to corresponding color channels (planes). The frame buffer pointers must be 16-byte aligned. The application has to specify pointers to all color channels even for packed formats. For example, for YUY2 format the application must specify Y, U, and V pointers. For RGB32 format, the application must specify R, G, B, and A pointers.
Additional Flags
Public Members
mfxExtBuffer **ExtParam¶
Points to an array of pointers to the extra configuration structures. See the ExtendedBufferID enumerator for a list of extended configurations.
mfxA2RGB10 *A2RGB10¶
A2RGB10 channel for A2RGB10 format (merged ARGB).
mfxU16 MemType¶
struct mfxFrameInfo¶
Specifies properties of video frames. See also “Configuration Parameter Constraints” chapter.
Specify the frame rate with the following formula: FrameRateExtN / FrameRateExtD.
For encoding, frame rate must be specified. For decoding, frame rate may be unspecified (FrameRateExtN and FrameRateExtD are all zeros.) In this case, the frame rate is defaulted to 30 frames per second.
AspectRatioW and AspectRatioH are used to specify the sample aspect ratio. If sample aspect ratio is explicitly defined by the standards (see Table 6-3 in the MPEG-2 specification or Table E-1 in the H.264 specification), AspectRatioW and AspectRatioH should be the defined values. Otherwise, the sample aspect ratio can be derived as follows:
If both parameters are zero, the encoder uses the default value of sample aspect ratio.
The region of interest of the frame. Specify the display width and height in mfxVideoParam.
Public Members
mfxU16 ChannelId¶
The unique ID of each VPP channel set by application. It’s required that during Init/Reset application fills ChannelId for each mfxVideoChannelParam provided by the application and the SDK sets it back to the correspondent mfxSurfaceArray::mfxFrameSurface1 to distinguish different channels. It’s expected that surfaces for some channels might be returned with some delay so application has to use mfxFrameInfo::ChannelId to distinguish what returned surface belongs to what VPP channel. Decoder’s initialization parameters are always sent through channel with mfxFrameInfo::ChannelId equals to zero. It’s allowed to skip setting of decoder’s parameters for simplified decoding procedure
mfxU16 BitDepthLuma¶
Number of bits used to represent luma samples.
Not all codecs and implementations support this value. Use the Query API function to check if this feature is supported.
mfxU16 BitDepthChroma¶
Number of bits used to represent chroma samples.
Not all codecs and implementations support this value. Use the Query API function to check if this feature is supported.
mfxU16 Shift¶
When the value is not zero, indicates that values of luma and chroma samples are shifted. Use BitDepthLuma and BitDepthChroma to calculate shift size. Use zero value to indicate absence of shift. See example data alignment below.
Not all codecs and implementations support this value. Use the Query API function to check if this feature is supported.
mfxFrameId FrameId¶
Describes the view and layer of a frame picture.
mfxU16 Height¶
Height of the video frame in pixels. Must be a multiple of 16 for progressive frame sequence and a multiple of 32 otherwise.
Example data alignment for Shift = 0:
Example data alignment for Shift != 0:
struct mfxFrameSurface1¶
Defines the uncompressed frames surface information and data buffers. The frame surface is in the frame or complementary field pairs of pixels up to four color-channels, in two parts: mfxFrameInfo and mfxFrameData.
Public Members
struct mfxFrameSurfaceInterface *FrameInterface¶
Specifies interface to work with surface.
mfxFrameInfo Info¶
Specifies surface properties.
mfxFrameData Data¶
Describes the actual frame buffer.
struct mfxFrameSurfaceInterface *FrameInterface¶
struct mfxFrameSurfaceInterface¶
Public Members
mfxHDL Context¶
The context of the memory interface. User should not touch (change, set, null) this pointer.
mfxStructVersion Version¶
The version of the structure.
mfxStatus (*AddRef)(mfxFrameSurface1 *surface)¶
Increments the internal reference counter of the surface. The surface is not destroyed until the surface is released using the mfxFrameSurfaceInterface::Release function. mfxFrameSurfaceInterface::AddRef should be used each time a new link to the surface is created (for example, copy structure) for proper surface management.
- Parameters
surface – [in] Valid surface.
- Returns
MFX_ERR_NONE If no error.
MFX_ERR_NULL_PTR If surface is NULL.
MFX_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE If mfxFrameSurfaceInterface->Context is invalid (for example NULL).
MFX_ERR_UNKNOWN Any internal error.
mfxStatus (*Release)(mfxFrameSurface1 *surface)¶
Decrements the internal reference counter of the surface. mfxFrameSurfaceInterface::Release should be called after using the mfxFrameSurfaceInterface::AddRef function to add a surface or when allocation logic requires it. For example, call mfxFrameSurfaceInterface::Release to release a surface obtained with the GetSurfaceForXXX function.
- Parameters
surface – [in] Valid surface.
- Returns
MFX_ERR_NONE If no error.
MFX_ERR_NULL_PTR If surface is NULL.
MFX_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE If mfxFrameSurfaceInterface->Context is invalid (for example NULL).
MFX_ERR_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR If Reference Counter of surface is zero before call.
MFX_ERR_UNKNOWN Any internal error.
mfxStatus (*GetRefCounter)(mfxFrameSurface1 *surface, mfxU32 *counter)¶
Returns current reference counter of mfxFrameSurface1 structure.
- Parameters
surface – [in] Valid surface.
counter – [out] Sets counter to the current reference counter value.
- Returns
MFX_ERR_NONE If no error.
MFX_ERR_NULL_PTR If surface or counter is NULL.
MFX_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE If mfxFrameSurfaceInterface->Context is invalid (for example NULL).
MFX_ERR_UNKNOWN Any internal error.
mfxStatus (*Map)(mfxFrameSurface1 *surface, mfxU32 flags)¶
Sets pointers of surface->Info.Data to actual pixel data, providing read-write access.
In case of video memory, the surface with data in video memory becomes mapped to system memory. An application can map a surface for read access with any value of mfxFrameSurface1::Data::Locked, but can map a surface for write access only when mfxFrameSurface1::Data::Locked equals to 0.
Note: A surface allows shared read access, but exclusive write access. Consider the following cases:
Map with Write or Read|Write flags. A request during active another read or write access returns MFX_ERR_LOCK_MEMORY error immediately, without waiting. MFX_MAP_NOWAIT does not impact behavior. This type of request does not lead to any implicit synchronizations.
Map with Read flag. A request during active write access will wait for resource to become free, or exits immediately with error if MFX_MAP_NOWAIT flag was set. This request may lead to the implicit synchronization (with same logic as Synchronize call) waiting for surface to become ready to use (all dependencies should be resolved and upstream components finished writing to this surface).
If MFX_MAP_NOWAIT was set and the surface is not ready yet (for example the surface has unresolved data dependencies or active processing), the read access request exits immediately with error.
Read-write access with MFX_MAP_READ_WRITE provides exclusive simultaneous reading and writing access.
Bitwise copying of mfxFrameSurface1 object between map / unmap calls may result in having dangling data pointers in copies.
- Parameters
surface – [in] Valid surface.
flags – [out] Specify mapping mode.
surface->Info.Data – [out] Pointers set to actual pixel data.
- Returns
MFX_ERR_NONE If no error.
MFX_ERR_NULL_PTR If surface is NULL.
MFX_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE If mfxFrameSurfaceInterface->Context is invalid (for example NULL).
MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED If flags are invalid.
MFX_ERR_LOCK_MEMORY If user wants to map the surface for write and surface->Data.Locked does not equal to 0.
MFX_ERR_UNKNOWN Any internal error.
mfxStatus (*Unmap)(mfxFrameSurface1 *surface)¶
Invalidates pointers of surface->Info.Data and sets them to NULL. In case of video memory, the underlying texture becomes unmapped after last reader or writer unmap.
- Parameters
surface – [in] Valid surface.
surface->Info.Data – [out] Pointers set to NULL.
- Returns
MFX_ERR_NONE If no error.
MFX_ERR_NULL_PTR If surface is NULL.
MFX_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE If mfxFrameSurfaceInterface->Context is invalid (for example NULL).
MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED If surface is already unmapped.
MFX_ERR_UNKNOWN Any internal error.
mfxStatus (*GetNativeHandle)(mfxFrameSurface1 *surface, mfxHDL *resource, mfxResourceType *resource_type)¶
Returns a native resource’s handle and type. The handle is returned as-is, meaning that the reference counter of base resources is not incremented. The native resource is not detached from surface and the library still owns the resource. User must not destroy the native resource or assume that the resource will be alive after mfxFrameSurfaceInterface::Release.
- Parameters
surface – [in] Valid surface.
resource – [out] Pointer is set to the native handle of the resource.
resource_type – [out] Type of native resource. See mfxResourceType enumeration).
- Returns
MFX_ERR_NONE If no error.
MFX_ERR_NULL_PTR If any of surface, resource or resource_type is NULL.
MFX_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE If any of surface, resource or resource_type is not valid object (no native resource was allocated).
MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED If surface is in system memory.
MFX_ERR_UNKNOWN Any internal error.
mfxStatus (*GetDeviceHandle)(mfxFrameSurface1 *surface, mfxHDL *device_handle, mfxHandleType *device_type)¶
Returns a device abstraction that was used to create that resource. The handle is returned as-is, meaning that the reference counter for the device abstraction is not incremented. The native resource is not detached from the surface and the library still has a reference to the resource. User must not destroy the device or assume that the device will be alive after mfxFrameSurfaceInterface::Release.
- Parameters
surface – [in] Valid surface.
device_handle – [out] Pointer is set to the device which created the resource
device_type – [out] Type of device (see mfxHandleType enumeration).
- Returns
MFX_ERR_NONE If no error.
MFX_ERR_NULL_PTR If any of surface, device_handle or device_type is NULL.
MFX_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE If any of surface, resource or resource_type is not valid object (no native resource was allocated).
MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED If surface is in system memory.
MFX_ERR_UNKNOWN Any internal error.
mfxStatus (*Synchronize)(mfxFrameSurface1 *surface, mfxU32 wait)¶
Guarantees readiness of both the data (pixels) and any frame’s meta information (for example corruption flags) after a function completes.
Instead of MFXVideoCORE_SyncOperation, users may directly call the mfxFrameSurfaceInterface::Synchronize function after the corresponding Decode or VPP function calls (MFXVideoDECODE_DecodeFrameAsync or MFXVideoVPP_RunFrameVPPAsync). The prerequisites to call the functions are:
The main processing functions return MFX_ERR_NONE.
A valid mfxFrameSurface1 object.
- Parameters
surface – [in] Valid surface.
wait – [out] Wait time in milliseconds.
- Returns
MFX_ERR_NONE If no error.
MFX_ERR_NULL_PTR If surface is NULL.
MFX_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE If any of surface is not valid object .
MFX_WRN_IN_EXECUTION If the given timeout is expired and the surface is not ready.
MFX_ERR_ABORTED If the specified asynchronous function aborted due to data dependency on a previous asynchronous function that did not complete.
MFX_ERR_UNKNOWN Any internal error.
void (*OnComplete)(mfxStatus sts)¶
The library calls the function after complete of associated video operation notifying the application that frame surface is ready.
It is expected that the function is low-intrusive designed otherwise it may impact performance.
- Attention
This is callback function and intended to be called by the library only.
- Parameters
sts – [in] The status of completed operation.
mfxStatus (*QueryInterface)(mfxFrameSurface1 *surface, mfxGUID guid, mfxHDL *iface)¶
Returns an interface defined by the GUID. If the returned interface is a reference counted object the caller should release the obtained interface to avoid memory leaks.
- Parameters
surface – [in] Valid surface.
guid – [in] GUID of the requested interface.
iface – [out] Interface.
- Returns
MFX_ERR_NONE If no error.
MFX_ERR_NULL_PTR If interface or surface is NULL.
MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED If requested interface is not supported.
MFX_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED If requested interface is not implemented.
MFX_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED If requested interface is not available (not created or already deleted).
MFX_ERR_UNKNOWN Any internal error.
mfxHDL Context¶
struct mfxSurfacePoolInterface¶
Specifies the surface pool interface.
Public Members
mfxHDL Context¶
The context of the surface pool interface. User should not touch (change, set, null) this pointer.
mfxStatus (*AddRef)(struct mfxSurfacePoolInterface *pool)¶
Increments the internal reference counter of the mfxSurfacePoolInterface. The mfxSurfacePoolInterface is not destroyed until the mfxSurfacePoolInterface is destroyed with mfxSurfacePoolInterface::Release function. mfxSurfacePoolInterface::AddRef should be used each time a new link to the mfxSurfacePoolInterface is created for proper management.
- Parameters
pool – [in] Valid pool.
- Returns
MFX_ERR_NONE If no error.
MFX_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE If mfxSurfacePoolInterface->Context is invalid (for example NULL).
MFX_ERR_UNKNOWN Any internal error.
mfxStatus (*Release)(struct mfxSurfacePoolInterface *pool)¶
Decrements the internal reference counter of the mfxSurfacePoolInterface. mfxSurfacePoolInterface::Release should be called after using the mfxSurfacePoolInterface::AddRef function to add a mfxSurfacePoolInterface or when allocation logic requires it. For example, call mfxSurfacePoolInterface::Release to release a mfxSurfacePoolInterface obtained with the mfxFrameSurfaceInterface::QueryInterface function.
- Parameters
pool – [in] Valid pool.
- Returns
MFX_ERR_NONE If no error.
MFX_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE If mfxSurfacePoolInterface->Context is invalid (for example NULL).
mfxSurfacePoolInterfaceis zero before call.
MFX_ERR_UNKNOWN Any internal error.
mfxStatus (*GetRefCounter)(struct mfxSurfacePoolInterface *pool, mfxU32 *counter)¶
Returns current reference counter of mfxSurfacePoolInterface structure.
- Parameters
pool – [in] Valid pool.
counter – [out] Sets counter to the current reference counter value.
- Returns
MFX_ERR_NONE If no error.
MFX_ERR_NULL_PTR If pool or counter is NULL.
MFX_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE If mfxSurfacePoolInterface->Context is invalid (for example NULL).
MFX_ERR_UNKNOWN Any internal error.
mfxStatus (*SetNumSurfaces)(struct mfxSurfacePoolInterface *pool, mfxU32 num_surfaces)¶
The function should be called by oneVPL components or application to specify how many surfaces it will use concurrently. Internally, oneVPL allocates surfaces in the shared pool according to the component’s policy set by mfxPoolAllocationPolicy. The exact moment of surfaces allocation is defined by the component and generally independent from that call.
- Parameters
pool – [in] Valid pool.
num_surfaces – [in] The number of surfaces required by the component.
- Returns
MFX_ERR_NONE If no error.
MFX_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE If mfxSurfacePoolInterface->Context is invalid (for example NULL).
MFX_ERR_UNKNOWN Any internal error.
mfxStatus (*RevokeSurfaces)(struct mfxSurfacePoolInterface *pool, mfxU32 num_surfaces)¶
The function should be called by oneVPL components when component is closed or reset and doesn’t need to use pool more. It helps to manage memory accordingly and release redundant memory. Important to specify the same number of surfaces which is requested during SetNumSurfaces call, otherwise it may lead to the pipeline stalls.
- Parameters
pool – [in] Valid pool.
num_surfaces – [in] The number of surfaces used by the component.
- Returns
MFX_ERR_NONE If no error.
MFX_WRN_OUT_OF_RANGE If num_surfaces doesn’t equal to num_surfaces requested during SetNumSurfaces call.
MFX_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE If mfxSurfacePoolInterface->Context is invalid (for example NULL).
MFX_ERR_UNKNOWN Any internal error.
mfxStatus (*GetAllocationPolicy)(struct mfxSurfacePoolInterface *pool, mfxPoolAllocationPolicy *policy)¶
Returns current allocation policy.
- Parameters
pool – [in] Valid pool.
policy – [out] Sets policy to the current allocation policy value.
- Returns
MFX_ERR_NONE If no error.
MFX_ERR_NULL_PTR If pool or policy is NULL.
MFX_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE If mfxSurfacePoolInterface->Context is invalid (for example NULL).
MFX_ERR_UNKNOWN Any internal error.
mfxStatus (*GetMaximumPoolSize)(struct mfxSurfacePoolInterface *pool, mfxU32 *size)¶
Returns maximum pool size. In case of mfxPoolAllocationPolicy::MFX_ALLOCATION_UNLIMITED policy 0xFFFFFFFF will be returned.
- Parameters
pool – [in] Valid pool.
size – [out] Sets size to the maximum pool size value.
- Returns
MFX_ERR_NONE If no error.
MFX_ERR_NULL_PTR If pool or size is NULL.
MFX_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE If mfxSurfacePoolInterface->Context is invalid (for example NULL).
MFX_ERR_UNKNOWN Any internal error.
mfxStatus (*GetCurrentPoolSize)(struct mfxSurfacePoolInterface *pool, mfxU32 *size)¶
Returns current pool size.
- Parameters
pool – [in] Valid pool.
size – [out] Sets size to the current pool size value.
- Returns
MFX_ERR_NONE If no error.
MFX_ERR_NULL_PTR If pool or size is NULL.
MFX_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE If mfxSurfacePoolInterface->Context is invalid (for example NULL).
MFX_ERR_UNKNOWN Any internal error.
mfxHDL Context¶