A class template for thread local storage (TLS).
// Defined in header <oneapi/tbb/enumerable_thread_specific.h>
namespace oneapi {
namespace tbb {
enum ets_key_usage_type {
template <typename T,
typename Allocator=cache_aligned_allocator<T>,
ets_key_usage_type ETS_key_type=ets_no_key >
class enumerable_thread_specific {
// Basic types
using value_type = T;
using reference = T&;
using const_reference = const T&;
using pointer = T*;
using size_type = /* implementation-defined */;
using difference_type = /* implementation-defined */;
using allocator_type = Allocator;
// Iterator types
using iterator = /* implementation-defined */;
using const_iterator = /* implementation-defined */;
// Parallel range types
using range_type = /* implementation-defined */;
using const_range_type = /* implementation-defined */;
// Construction
template <typename Finit>
explicit enumerable_thread_specific( Finit finit );
explicit enumerable_thread_specific( const T& exemplar );
explicit enumerable_thread_specific( T&& exemplar );
template <typename... Args>
enumerable_thread_specific( Args&&... args );
// Destruction
// Copy constructors
enumerable_thread_specific( const enumerable_thread_specific& other);
template<typename Alloc, ets_key_usage_type Cachetype>
enumerable_thread_specific( const enumerable_thread_specific<T, Alloc, Cachetype>& other);
// Copy assignments
enumerable_thread_specific& operator=( const enumerable_thread_specific& other );
template<typename Alloc, ets_key_usage_type Cachetype>
enumerable_thread_specific& operator=( const enumerable_thread_specific<T, Alloc, Cachetype>& other );
// Move constructors
enumerable_thread_specific( enumerable_thread_specific&& other);
template<typename Alloc, ets_key_usage_type Cachetype>
enumerable_thread_specific( enumerable_thread_specific<T, Alloc, Cachetype>&& other);
// Move assignments
enumerable_thread_specific& operator=( enumerable_thread_specific&& other );
template<typename Alloc, ets_key_usage_type Cachetype>
enumerable_thread_specific& operator=( enumerable_thread_specific<T, Alloc, Cachetype>&& other );
// Other whole container operations
void clear();
// Concurrent operations
reference local();
reference local( bool& exists );
size_type size() const;
bool empty() const;
// Combining
template<typename BinaryFunc> T combine( BinaryFunc f );
template<typename UnaryFunc> void combine_each( UnaryFunc f );
// Parallel iteration
range_type range( size_t grainsize=1 );
const_range_type range( size_t grainsize=1 ) const;
// Iterators
iterator begin();
iterator end();
const_iterator begin() const;
const_iterator end() const;
} // namespace tbb
} // namespace oneapi
A class template enumerable_thread_specific
provides TLS for elements of type T
A class template enumerable_thread_specific
acts as a container by providing iterators and ranges across all of the thread-local elements.
The thread-local elements are created lazily. A freshly constructed enumerable_thread_specific
has no elements.
When a thread requests access to an enumerable_thread_specific
, it creates an element corresponding to that thread.
The number of elements is equal to the number of distinct threads that have accessed the enumerable_thread_specific
and not necessarily the number of threads in use by the application. Clearing an enumerable_thread_specific
removes all its elements.
Use the ETS_key_usage_type
parameter type to select an underlying implementation.
uses the OS-specific value returned by std::this_thread::get_id()
to identify threads.
This value is not guaranteed to be unique except for the life of the thread.
A newly created thread may get an OS-specific ID equal to that of an already destroyed thread.
The number of elements of the enumerable_thread_specific
may therefore be less than the number of actual distinct threads
that have called local()
, and the element returned by the first reference
by a thread to the enumerable_thread_specific
may not be newly-constructed.
Member functions¶
Non-member types and constants¶
enum ets_key_usage_type::ets_key_per_instance¶
Enumeration parameter type used to select an implementation that consumes 1 native TLS key per enumerable_thread_specific
The number of native TLS keys may be limited and can be fairly small.
enum ets_key_usage_type::ets_no_key¶
Enumeration parameter type used to select an implementation that consumes no native TLS keys.
If no ETS_key_usage_type
parameter type is provided, ets_no_key
is used by default.
enum ets_key_usage_type::ets_suspend_aware¶
The oneapi::tbb::task::suspend
function can change the value of the enumerable_thread_specific
object. To avoid this problem,
use the ets_suspend_aware
enumeration parameter type.
The local()
value can be the same for different threads, but no two distinct threads can access the same value simultaneously.